Digital Novel
"That rogue Armando" ("Quel malandrino dell'Armando") was born out of my interests in short stories, singer-songwriter music and the “old style” digital world.The digital novel was born by chance, while working and listening to my favourite music: song after song, I would choose words and phrases that caught my attention, then in my spare time I would add simple retro-style animated illustrations to support the text, until the short story took shape.
Track references: Vengo anch'io. No, tu no (Core - Fiorentini - Fo - Jannacci - 1967), L’Armando (Fo - Jannacci - 1964), Aveva un taxi nero (Fo - Carpi - 1964), Faceva il palo (Valdi - Jannacci - 1966), L’importante è esagerare (Jannacci - 1985), Zan zan le belle rane (Jannacci - Boldi - 1983)