
A selection of brochures designed for 3brain AG
The cover of 3Brain's BioCAM Alpha brochure.
The cover of 3Brain's BioCAM DupleX brochure.
The cover of 3Brain's 'Brain-Computer Interface' brochure.


Some of the posters created during 10 years of the “Bacco Day” parties
The Bacco Day 2018 poster.
The Bacco Day 2017 poster.
The Bacco Day 2015 poster.
The Bacco Day 2013 poster.


A low-cost packaging for an organic flour
Still life composition with some elements forming the packaging.
The animated vector illustration with the packaging in the centre and all around the countryside.
A single packaging of the organic flour.
Three packaging of the organic flour.
The image of the organic flour on a wooden spoon.
A close-up of the organic flour packaging.


The image with the concept behind the illustration.
The illustration logo.
The animated illustration.
The vest with the illustration printed on it.
A close-up of the vest with the illustration printed on it.
A detail of the signature on the illustration.

Digital Novel

"That rogue Armando" ("Quel malandrino dell'Armando") was born out of my interests in short stories, singer-songwriter music and the “old style” digital world.The digital novel was born by chance, while working and listening to my favourite music: song after song, I would choose words and phrases that caught my attention, then in my spare time I would add simple retro-style animated illustrations to support the text, until the short story took shape.
Track references: Vengo anch'io. No, tu no  (Core - Fiorentini - Fo - Jannacci - 1967), L’Armando (Fo - Jannacci - 1964), Aveva un taxi nero (Fo - Carpi - 1964), Faceva il palo (Valdi - Jannacci - 1966), L’importante è esagerare (Jannacci - 1985), Zan zan le belle rane (Jannacci - Boldi - 1983)
The cover of the Digital Novel.
L’Armando era un anziano signore che campava (semi beatamente) nella sua vecchia casa in campagna
The first animation of the Digital Novel.
Negli anni si era visto portar via: la mucca, la scatola di cachi, la radio a transistor, la moglie (Lina) ... e pure un figlio militare
The second animation of the Digital Novel.
Ma l’Armando no, non piangeva, anzi: ridacchiava!
The third animation of the Digital Novel.
Il fatto è che aveva un gemello a cui voleva bene come fosse un fratello...
The fourth animation from the Digital Novel.
Aveva un taxi nero che andava col metano con una riga verde allo chassis
The fifth animation from the Digital Novel.
... ma era sguercio non ci vedeva quasi più
The sixth animation from the Digital Novel.
Un dì mentre l'auto andava l’Armando gli rubò una gomma...
The seventh animation of the Digital Novel.
Ridotto ad un triciclo il taxi si ribaltò e mandò il gemello al creator
The eighth animation of the Digital Novel.
L’Armando circospetto guardò in giro e mise via, ma poi borbottò perché ormai...
The ninth animation of the Digital Novel.
... l'importante è esagerare sia nel bene che nel male e se hai in mano solo mosche prova a darci anche del tu.
The tenth animation from the Digital Novel.
The "The end" animation of the Digital Novel.
The "The end" animation of the Digital Novel.